Who needs Form 433-F?
Everyone who has an outstanding tax liability has to fill out this Form 433-F. This form is also obligatory while applying for an Installment Agreement as far as Form 4965 is submitted along with Form 433-F.
What is Form 433-F Used For?
Form 443-F is a collection information statement. This form is used for obtaining actual information about your financial status. Department of Treasury determines the way obliged can satisfy the tax debt after analyzing all the given information.
Is Form 433-F Accompanied by Other Forms?
Whether you want an Installment Agreement you should attach Form 9465. You can also add extra sheets if you lack space while filling out any section.
What Information should be Provided in Form 433-F?
While filling out Form 433-F you should mention the following information:
Personal information including your name, address, SSN, your spouse's SSN, telephone numbers etc.
List of all accounts
List of all real estate you own or are purchasing (including home)
List of all vehicles you own, insurance polices, paintings, coin collection, antiques etc.
List of all credit cards and lines of credits
All wage and non-wage household income
Net rental income
Net Self-employment Income
Other income
Monthly necessary living expenses
If you are not sure about how to calculate the monthly amount, you can use tips on the page 4 of the Form 433-F. There are multipliers you need to find your monthly amount whether you are paid quarterly, weekly, biweekly or semimonthly.
Where do I Send Form 433-F?
After filling out Form 433-F you should file it to the Department of Treasury of the Internal revenue Service.